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You are obviously in the market for custom foot insoles, inserts or orthotics in medical terminology. As you are researching other products and companies, consider this, at SoleymyFeet custom orthotics are all we do! In researching other companies, you will find that orthotics are only one item they offer, along with numerous other products so orthotics are not their focus. You will also discover that most orthotics are not custom molded to your feet. Because most orthotics are ‘off the shelf’ products, they do not properly fit your feet and thus do not correct the problems you are experiencing.
At SoleymyFeet, We have worked with state of the art materials for decades and have found what works the best for a variety of foot issues. What sets us apart from other orthotic offers, is that our insoles are made by your feet for your feet.
Because they are custom molded we can identify areas of concern and aggressively correct the issue and get the optimal, long term results!
SoleymyFeet inserts are guaranteed to fit AND offer relief or your money back!
Insole Trimming SoleymyFeet